As part of my “nearly free” marketing campaign, I thought blogging would be a sure win. I have far too much to say about far too many things, I am witty, sarcastic, funny, yet I am a deep feeler. Plus, I thought it would be a fantastic way to connect with people. However, I struggle with striking the right balance between professionalism and being myself.
I spent so many years being professional, perfectly kind, and biting my tongue, because oftentimes that is what keeps the peace and people happy. I finally achieved a point in my life where I thought, “stuff it if people don’t like me, I’ll tell this joke/discuss that politician/swear like a sailor/tell them exactly what I think of them.” However, I am out here trying to sell a tiny glimpse of my life, stuff that is sometimes heavy and dark. I do not want to offend people, but I do not want to lie to them either. I am more than what I have published. I am more than what I will be publishing in the future.
I do want us to get to know each other. I want you to look forward to what I write on here. I want us to have a conversation and exchange ideas. However, I know I might blog about something you do not agree with, and I might offend you at some point. It’s not my intention to purposefully do that. My first response, of course, was to pander as much as I could because I might sell a few more books, but is it worth it in the end? More than anything, I want you to know that I am human, and what I put out there is not the complete picture of who I am, but sometimes it is.
And I apologize in advance for any future swearing.