Our youngest son (11 years old) has recently finished creating his very first website, and he created a blogging section, in case he feels the need to blog sometime in the future. His current hope is to continue to enhance and update his website, as he gets older, to reflect his needs and to try the new skills he’s acquired. (I’m sure 2 years from now he’ll decide to remove those dancing cats, for instance.) I thought that was wise for someone so young, looking into the future of computer technology, and already having a plan in place.
He asked me if anyone was reading my blog yet. That’s a fair question, especially as I try to jot down ideas or type something while he’s working on a project for school. I’m sure my typing and sighing are more than a little annoying. I explained that a few people were reading it, but blogging isn’t as popular as it was, and I really haven’t been working that hard on promoting it.“Why write a blog if no one reads it?” What is with this kid and his questions?!? And who told him it was ok to question parents like this?!? (The audacity of some people’s children.)
So, if you are reading this blog, thank you. It will make my son feel better that at least one person gazing at this, even if it’s while they are on the toilet. But why do I do this? There are a few reasons, the main one being a marketing ploy. I hope you find me entertaining enough to keep coming back for more, and maybe I can guilt you into buying a book. The second is to assess certain writing skills that I need to work on. I graduated high school over 28 years ago, and I’m out of practice. (I honestly didn’t realize I graduated that long ago until I did the math. I honestly must stop lying to myself about how long ago the 1990’s are.)
That last reason is, I actually missed blogging. I used to have two blogs on MySpace. (How I miss Tom, and I know I can’t be the only one.) The first blog was serious life observations and my poetry. The second blog was for fun, and I wrote under the pseudonym, The Patron Saint of Sarcasm. I won several “awards” for that blog, and it was a lot of fun. It allowed me to explore both sides of my personality, while testing out what I was writing. (Everyone was my guinea pig, and I’m not sorry.)
Will I continue writing this blog a year from now if it hasn’t taken off? Probably. I’m sure once January hits, I will be bored of being tucked away during the Central Wisconsin winter, and I can entertain you all with 101 casserole recipes and more stories on why Facebook scammers are so much fun. Until the next time, thank you for reading!