*I do apologize, this was meant to go out last week, but I have been ill.

Welcome to Wisconsin Writer Wednesday, a blog series highlighting authors within our beautiful state. If you are an author and would like to take part, please fill out this form! https://forms.gle/xWsPvhL6MPGqEAPF6
Author: Jason R Davis
Website: https://jasonrdavis.com/
Genre: Horror
Latest Book: Dead Friends

Book Synopsis: Lizzie finds herself cursed and that everyone close to her dies horribly. Losing her friends is hard, dealing with how they return to haunt her is a new nightmare. She is forced into seclusion to protect her remaining friends as she finds a way to cope with her Dead Friends.
You can find Dead Friends, as well as Jason’s other books on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B00JUD7JXE
Interested in a signed copy? Those are available on Jason’s website.
Question: Why the nearly 8-year gap between books, and how do you time manage between still having a full time job, raising a son diagnosed with non-verbal autism and writing.
Jason: The gap is largely due to the son being diagnosed with autism and finding ways to time manage. I have had to adjust my mindset on how I do things. I have learned to adapt and now do a lot of writing on my phone, plugging away one paragraph at a time whenever I have five minutes here, or five minutes there. Very rare is it that I get time to sit at a computer and just write. I also prefer self publishing as I like working with the group I have surrounded myself with and have a trust level with that. I like a certain amount of control over all aspects and that way if something doesn’t turn out, I can only be frustrated with myself and not blaming others.
Bio: Jason R Davis is a truck driver by day, and a writer by night. He’s watched a lifetime worth of horror and sci/fi films and read nearly as much. Now he finds himself being the one typing away the next story. He also founded the Chicago Horror Film Festival, ran Madtown Horror, and has produced a handful of films. Occasionally he sleeps.