September has really flown by, and at the end of each week, I was really trying to figure out where all the time had gone. I thought it might be fun to recap the month, with links, in case you missed anything.

September 1st – A Thousand Melodies eBook pre-orders began and my interview with “Poets Have Something to Say” host, Jeffrey C McAndrew, hit YouTube. You can check it out here:
September 7th – My search began for authors to be showcased on my blog. If you are an author, or know one, click here for more information! I am really excited about this project. Marketing is expensive, so opportunities like these are great for everyone involved. And if you are looking for a new author to read, this is a great opportunity for you too!
September 9th – An update on A Thousand Melodies, an announcement for price adjustments on These Words, as well as links for highlighting new book releases and joining Wisconsin Writers Association can be found on this blog post:
September 26th – I wrote a blog entitled, “I Write Poetry.”
September 29th & 30th – I’ll post two more sneak peeks into A Thousand Melodies
October 1st – A Thousand Melodies will be officially released. If you’ve pre-ordered eBooks, they will be available on your eReaders at midnight. Paper copies will be available for purchase! I will also be taking over the "Wisconsin Authors & Readers" group for the day, and author Meadoe Hora has a Fall Reading Challenge, complete with prizes, running until Thanksgiving. Come check it out!
October 9th - I will be showcasing a Wisconsin author, Jason R Davis and his books! Stay tuned!
Poems featured from These Words in September can be found here:
Poems from A Thousand Melodies can be found here: