Welcome to my page! I'm Stacy Hinojos, a poet and writer from Central Wisconsin. As a member of the Wisconsin Writers Association (WWA), I'm dedicating some of my time to compiling a list of Book Influencers and Book Promoters for WWA members' use.
Through this endeavor, I've realized the growing challenge of finding avid readers who are enthusiastic about sharing their latest reads with the world. Those dedicated to promoting literature often have limited time to both read and promote these works. It can also be difficult to find honest to goodness influencers/promoters, without being taken advantage of.
Consequently, I've decided to expand my blog to gather information from individuals interested in being featured on the WWA's list of Book Promoters and Book Influencers, as well as authors seeking to publicize their work and book launches.
You'll find links to several forms below. Please complete the one that corresponds to your needs.
Wisconsin Writer Wednesday – If you are a writer based in Wisconsin, fill out this form. I will feature a new Wisconsin Writer every Wednesday, beginning in October. This is on a first come, first served basis. https://forms.gle/xWsPvhL6MPGqEAPF6
Shout Out Sundays – If you are a writer NOT based in Wisconsin, fill out this form. I will begin featuring a new writer every Sunday starting in October. This is also on a first come, first served basis. https://forms.gle/hocwL2eWk56hGJnK6
New to Bookshelves – This will be posted on the 1st of each month, starting in October, highlighting all the books that are being released over the course of that month. Please have this form filled out by the 28th of the previous month. https://forms.gle/dA3xVkbEdDCwcPkN6
Book Influencer & Book Promoters – This information will be passed along to the Wisconsin Writers Association by December 2024. If you would like your services to be featured on a Shout Out Sunday, I am more than happy to do that. Information for that can be found on this form. https://forms.gle/fNqQQ1g4V599sBDs6
All links can be found on my Linktree which you might want to bookmark for future reference. Stacy Hinojos | Instagram, Facebook | Linktree
Although my readership is presently modest, I am convinced that working together presents a great opportunity for everyone involved. I offer this service free of charge, and in return, I only request that you subscribe to my page on Wix. By subscribing, you'll receive updates on new blog posts and any resources that could be advantageous to you in your literary endeavors.
If you have any questions, please send me an email. StacyLHinojos@yahoo.com